SDR (software-definied radio) is a radio communication system in which the operation of basic electronic components (mixers, filters, modulators and demodulators) is performed by a computer program.
Software receiver RTL-SDR V3 R820T2 RTL2832U dongle.
The most important features:
- R820T2 tuner
- operating range: 24-1766 MHz, in direct sampling mode: 500 kHz to 28.8 MHz
- bandwidth: 3.2 MHz
- ADC resolution: 8 bits
- 1 PPM temperature compensated oscillator (TCXO)
- SMA-F connector (SMA female)
- aluminum housing
- passive cooling
- software-switched BIAS 4.5V supply voltage circuit
- additional ESD protection
- lower overall noise of the receiver
- direct sampling for HF reception